Stage and Backstage Etiquette
A guide by Bob Williams, OKP Technical Director
- Arrive at the theatre / rehearsal space so as to be able to start on time.
- Be prepared for what is scheduled for that day’s rehearsal.
- Clean up after yourself!
- The Stage Manager(s) are in charge; give them the respect that they are due.
- Stage Managers, remember that you have to earn your respect.
- If a prop is not yours, don’t touch it!
- Write down your blocking!
- When not onstage, be silent.
- Once assigned your costume(s) and where to store it/them, you are responsible for them. Notify wardrobe immediately if something needs repair.
- There is only one Director. Any suggestions should be made to him/her at a time of their choosing and only if they are accepting suggestions.
- When receiving notes, pay attention and write them down in your script, your notebook, or both.
- There should be no side conversations going on during the giving of notes. This is rude and disrespectful.
- Know your cues as well as your lines.
- Knowing lines good, paraphrasing bad! Your lines are someone else’s cues.
- Refer back to #3.
- When given information by the Stage Manager the proper response is “Thank You.” I.E Stage Manager: “Fifteen minutes!” Actors and Techies: “Thank you fifteen!”
- When given the call to places, it means go to places now, not in a minute or two; when you have finished chatting, be ready. This is why you are given 15, 10, and 5 minute warnings.
- Be quiet and hold all doors when backstage during a performance. Your whispers can be heard.
- Stay out of sight: if you can see the audience, they can see you.
- Refer back to #3.
- Most importantly, have fun!