International Thespian Society – Troupe 5226 Constitution
(updated 5/29/2024)
Article 1 – Name and Purpose
Section 1: This organization shall be called Troupe #5226 of the International Thespian Society, a branch of the Educational Theater Association.
Section 2: The purpose of this troupe shall be the advancement of standards of excellence in the theatre. More specifically, the troupe shall encourage students to attain a better mastery of the theatre arts.
Section 3: The organization forbids secrecy; membership is given as recognition for meritorious work in the theatre arts.
Article 2 – Membership
Section 1: All nominees for active membership shall be regularly enrolled as students of Ellington High School.
Section 2: The inductee must have participated in at least FOUR consecutive OKP productions. The inductee must have earned 1.5 points for the three consecutive shows leading up to the application. If shows are rehearsing concurrently, the inductee may choose one show.
Section 3: The inductee must have accomplished no less than THREE crew leadership roles, either as a crew chair, assistant crew chair, director, assistant director, stage manager, (one) leading actor, and/or member of the OKP Executive Board.
Section 4: The inductee must have at least 20 points (200 hours) of superior work, at least FIVE of which must be crew work. The points will be discussed and reviewed by the crew chairs.
Section 5: The inductee must consistently demonstrate good moral standing both inside and outside of school, an ability to collaborate, and strive to improve their skills or behaviors during their tenure in the Opening Knight Players.
Section 6: The inductee must cite clear-cut evidence proving that they have shown initiative in helping the success of the club and have fulfilled all leadership duties.
Section 7: New members will be admitted through applications and interviews conducted by the Troupe advisor.
Section 8: Final authority concerning membership requirements shall be vested in the troupe sponsor.
Section 9: Honorary membership may be granted to adults for extraordinary and worthy assistance in the promotion of the theatre in the school and the community.
Article 3 – Officers
Section 1: Ellington High School Troupe 5226 shall elect officers once a year in the last full month of the school term at a regular business meeting.
Section 2: Requirements for all elected officers are as follows: Each student must be an active member of the troupe for at least one school year, and at the time of election must be enrolled in grades 10-12. If no members meet this requirement or no member is willing to assume any elected office, then a newly initiated thespian can assume a leadership role.
Section 3: The elected officers are to have the following duties:
President: Shall schedule all monthly meetings; coordinate all Thespian sponsored activities; organize and oversee all arrangements for the Drama Banquet and Thespian Induction Ceremony. Furthermore, this person shall help insure the smooth running of all Thespian functions by coordinating logistic concerns for all field trips, fundraisers, and other assorted functions not related to OKP formal productions.
Vice President: Shall assist President in all responsibilities. Furthermore, this person shall help insure the smooth running of all Thespian functions by coordinating logistic concerns for all field trips, fundraisers, and other assorted functions not related to OKP formal productions. If the generally elected secretary is not a member of Thespian Troupe 5226, the Vice President shall assume the secretary role in thespian meetings/activities.
Treasurer: Shall help insure the smooth running of all OKP and Thespian functions by coordinating monetary concerns for all field trips, fundraisers, and other assorted functions not related to OKP formal productions. This person must assist with the coordination of all details for the Thespian banquet. Furthermore, this person shall help insure the smooth running of all Thespian functions by coordinating logistic concerns for all field trips, fundraisers, and other assorted functions not related to OKP formal productions.
Section 4: All officers of Troupe 5226 shall also serve on the Executive Board of the Opening Knight Players if not already serving in another capacity.
Section 5: The duties of the sponsor will be to oversee all troupe activities, to be the final authority in selection of new members and to be the guide and inspiration of the group.
Section 6: The Board of Directors of the troupe shall be composed of the sponsor, all elected officers, and any honorary members appointed by the sponsor.
Article 4 – Meetings and Attendance
Section 1: Meetings shall be held once a month, usually after school hours.
Section 2: Special meetings may be called by the sponsor, any officer, or by a quorum.
Section 3: A quorum shall be fifty percent of the active membership and must include two officers.
Section 4: Any member who is absent for THREE (3) thespian meetings per school year shall be dropped from active membership.
Section 5: Any member who fails to earn FIFTEEN HOURS (1.5 POINTS) or more in a current production shall also be immediately dropped from active membership. Any member who causes deliberate dissension, which would disrupt the workings of any production or business meetings, shall be dropped from active membership with the consent of the sponsor. Any member requesting re-admittance after suspension must have the consent of the sponsor.
Section 6: Any member who is deemed an inactive member shall not receive honors cords for graduation ceremonies at Ellington High School’s commencement event.
Article 5 – Dues
Section 1: There shall be no dues for the troupe except as provided by the International Thespian Society Board of Trustees, unless determined by a two thirds vote of the membership at the regular yearly election.
Section 2: All initial memberships shall be paid for from the Opening Knight Players Fund.
Article 6 – Amendments
Section 1: All amendments to this constitution must have the vote of two thirds of the troupe membership. This constitution and its amendments shall be subject to change according to any or all requirements of the International Thespian Society.
Article 1 – Attendance
Section 1: Any thespian who arrives late or leaves early from a meeting without a reason considered valid by the theatre director/sponsor, will receive a warning. Three such offenses will be counted as an absence from a meeting without excuse. Work is never a valid excuse unless the meeting is scheduled on an impromptu date.
Section 2: Regular after-school meetings will begin at 2:15 pm.
Section 3: Irregular attendance indicates a lack of interest; therefore, any member absent three (3) meetings per school year without a reasonable excuse submitted to the President or Sponsor the day of or before, shall automatically be suspended from the active role or membership.
Section 4: Absences shall accumulate for only one school year at a time.
Article 2 – Inductions
Section 1: Inductions shall be held once a year.
Section 2: The time and place of the induction as well as the form will be determined by the sponsor.
Section 3: The President and Vice President will be held responsible for the training of the speakers of the induction ceremony, must schedule and rehearse said speakers, as well as take care of the preparation of the stage and induction properties.
Article 3 – Troupe Activities
Section 1: The troupe is not a secret organization, so faculty and students interested in theatre, as well as honorary members and alumni, shall be invited to its meetings.
Section 2: Individual committees within the organization may request to meet privately to plan events for the Opening Knight Players (parties, banquets, etc.). These will be granted at the discretion of the Troupe leader or by vote of the voting membership of OKP.
Section 3: The troupe shall sponsor at least one community service program a year for the purpose of establishing good relationships within the community. The form is to be determined by active members of the troupe.
Section 4: The troupe may cooperate with all other departments and clubs in the school in helping them with their programs in any way it can.
Article 4 – Point Award System
Section 1: The theatre director/sponsor will determine the exact number of points to be awarded in all theatrical and non-theatrical participation.
Section 2: Points shall be awarded as suggested by the point system of the International Thespian Society.
Article 5 – Elections
Section 1: Nominations for officers are to be made by a committee, meeting with the sponsor, with additional nominations being permitted from the floor. Officers will be elected by a majority vote.
Section 2: Voting will be done by secret written ballots unless deemed unnecessary by the troupe sponsor.
Section 3: Three members, including one officer, may request, in writing, to the sponsor, a recall election of all or any elected officers. This written request must state the need for such an election. A special meeting will be scheduled within five school days upon the request, for the purpose of voting on whether or not a recall election is necessary. Two thirds of the membership is required to mandate a recall election. If a recall election is necessary, election of officers will follow the procedure set in Article V. Section 2.
Article 6 – Installations
Section 1: Officers shall be installed at the last meeting of the school term.
Article 7 – Adoption
Section 1: Two thirds of the current voting members is needed for adoption of this constitution.
Article 8 – Conflict Resolution
Section 1: In the event issues/conflicts arise between a Thespian and a Sponsor which cannot be solved through communication between the two parties, the issue should be resolved by the school administration.
Article 9 – Opening Knight Players Relationship
Section 1: Thespian Troupe 5226 is an Honor Society of The Opening Knight Players. As such, all articles of the Opening Knight Players Constitution must be followed by all members and sponsors of ITS 5226.
Section 2: If there are any discrepancies between the Thespian Troupe 5226 Constitution and the Opening Knight Players Constitution, the Opening Knight Players Constitution shall be followed with or without amendments to the Thespian Constitution.