Constitution of the Ellington High School Drama Society

(updated 5/10/2023)

Article 1 – Name

The name of this organization shall be the Opening Knight Players.

Article 2 – Purpose

The purpose of this society shall be to study, promote, and present live theater and to give high school students experience in all facets of the theatre.

Article 3 – Membership

A. Type

1. Non-Voting Membership shall be granted to any person desiring to join.

2. Voting Membership shall be granted to those who:

a. Earn one and a half points for each production (one acts, ten minute theatre, 30 X 60, major production). Students who earn 20 points and work on four consecutive productions are eligible for membership in Troupe 5226 of the International Thespian Society.

b. To be eligible for election in the International Thespian Society, members must have earned a minimum of 1.5 points on each of the last four consecutive plays. Freshmen are not eligible for membership into the society.

c. To remain an Active Thespian, a member must earn 1.5 points on each OKP main stage production. Only active thespians will be acknowledged by the society. Please see Troupe 5226’s requirements in Appendix 1.

B. Points

Points will be awarded as follows:

1. For every ten hours of quality work, one point shall be given.

2. Quality of work for awarding points shall be determined by crew chairs.

3. A Crew Chair is eligible for two points more than any member of his/her own crew. Assistant Crew Chair is eligible for one point more than any crew member.

4. Executive Board will award Crew Chair and Assistant Crew Chair points.

5. Number of points given to crew members shall be subject to change by the Executive Board.

Article 4 – Executive Board

The Executive Board shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary/Historian, Points Secretary, Social Media Secretary, Thespian President, Thespian Vice President, Thespian Treasurer, Web Manager, Assistant Web Manager, Junior Representative, Sophomore Representative, and a Freshman Representative who shall in joint session appoint crew chairs and assistants and appoint committee and committee chairpersons (for special events like Cabarets, fundraisers, banquet …) The Board will also choose the plays/directors for student driven events such as an Evening of Ten Minute Theater, 30 Plays in 60 Minutes. They will also carry out other actions specified in the constitution.

A. President

The President shall call and conduct all meetings and shall supervise all activities with what help he/she finds necessary. The President must be a senior during his/her term of office and must have served at least one year in the society. The President is directly responsible for the Business Crews during production times (tickets, programs, house, and publicity). However, ultimately, it is the President’s responsibility for the smooth running of all aspects for all productions. To ensure quality productions, the President and Vice President must jointly hold bi-monthly meetings with crew chairs to be held on a set date directly before or after school during all production times.

B. Vice President

 The Vice President shall substitute for the President in case of the President’s absence or functions. The Vice President may be an underclassman but must still have one year of experience in the society. The Vice President is also responsible for the Technical Crews during production times (lights, sets, costumes, makeup, and sound). To ensure quality productions, President and Vice President must jointly hold bi-monthly meetings with crew chairs to be held on a set date directly before or after school during all production times.

C. Secretary/Historian

The Secretary shall keep accurate records of all meetings, conduct all correspondence, account for membership and attendance, post all meeting notices on the OKP Board/Google Classroom and write/submit announcements for the Daily Bulletin. He/She must have been a member of the society for at least one year on assuming office. He/She should supervise the taking of pictures throughout the school year and will make a slideshow at the end of the school year. The Secretary ensures that the Web Manager updates publicity email lists of OKP graduates.

D. Points Secretary

The Points Secretary keeps records of the points earned by all members for each of the productions throughout the year. He/She is responsible for advising all crew chairs on the requirements for awarding points, the passing out and timely collection of crew member tally time sheets (virtually or on paper). The Points Secretary must have been a member of the society for at least one year on assuming office. This person must also fill out a points card for all newcomers at the beginning of the year and/or updating the OKP database.

E. Junior Representative

The Junior Representative must have been a member of the society for at least one year before assuming office. He/She must be a sophomore at the time of election. The Junior Representative represents his/her class and their concerns at all Executive meetings. Finally, the Junior Representative is responsible for recruiting members from his/her class to become active society members.

F. Sophomore Representative

The Sophomore Representative must have been a member of the society for at least one year before assuming office. He/She must be a freshman at the time of election. The Sophomore Representative represents his/her class and their concerns at all Executive meetings. Finally, the Sophomore Representative is responsible for recruiting members from his/her class to become active members of the drama society.

G. Freshman Representative

The Freshman Representative is elected after the first major production of the school year and must be a voting member from this production. He/She must be a freshman. The Freshman Representative represents his/her class and their concerns at all Executive Board meetings. Finally, the Freshman Representative is responsible for recruiting members from his/her class to become active members of the drama society.

H. Thespian President/ Vice President

The Thespian President and Vice President also sit on the Board of the Opening Knight Players to assure smooth integration of the goals of both societies. These Officers must also maintain the OKP play library as well as maintenance of the computerized costume and prop inventory.

I. Social Media Secretary

The Social Media Secretary is responsible for all Press related issues for the drama society. He/She must post all meeting notices on all OKP social media platforms (excluding Facebook unless he/she is 18 or older) and write/submit announcements for the Public Address System. This person must also insure the successful operation of all press related issues for all OKP productions. He/She must have been a member of the society for at least one year.

J. Web Manager

The Web Manager is responsible for all activities related to the Opening Knight Players’ web page. He/she must continuously update the web page to include upcoming productions and other pertinent information. This person must also work with the OKP secretary to update the history on the web. He/She is responsible for training the Assistant Web Manager to take over the position the following year. He/She must have been a member of the society for at least one year on assuming office.

K. Assistant Web Manager

The Assistant Web Manager is responsible for learning from the Assistant Web Manager in order to take over the position the following year. He/She will ultimately become responsible for all activities related to the Opening Knight Players’ web page. He/she must continuously update the web page to include upcoming productions and other pertinent information. This person must also work with the OKP secretary to update the history on the web. He/She must have been a member of the society for at least one year on assuming office.

L. Thespian Secretary

The Thespian Secretary shall help ensure the smooth running of the all OKP and Thespian functions by coordinating logistic concerns for all field trips, fundraisers, and other assorted functions not related to OKP formal productions. This person must also take comprehensive minutes for all thespian meetings as well as coordinating details for the Thespian banquet. He/She must have been a member of the society for at least two years.

M. Thespian Treasurer

The Thespian Treasurer shall help ensure the smooth running of the all OKP and Thespian functions by coordinating monetary concerns for all field trips, fundraisers, and other assorted functions not related to OKP formal productions. This person must assist with the coordination of all details for the Thespian banquet. He/She must have been a member of the society for at least two years.

Article 5 – General Meetings

Meetings for discussion of business shall be called when deemed necessary by the President. All members of the Executive Board must be present at general meetings. The Secretary should supervise the signing in of all members. An agenda should be prepared prior to the meeting. All meetings must be announced at least seven days in advance. The Secretary must post the dates and agenda on the OKP Google Classroom. General meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of every month unless otherwise specified.

Article 6 – Crews

Crews shall be set up to assist in all factors of play production except acting. The crew chairperson, who must be a voting member, shall be determined by the executive board. In rare occasions, the Executive Board may deem a non-voting member as Crew Chair if this person shows exceptional qualifications. Crew members can consist of both apprentice members and voting members.

The chair will be responsible for the activities of their crews, attendance at crew meetings, and assignment of points at the end of production. Crew chairs must have at least one meeting per week with crew members during production time. Each chair must attend the bi-monthly meetings with the OKP President and Vice President and be prepared to give a report on their crews activities. Crew chairs can be removed by the executive board if he/she fails to fulfill his/her commitment.

During each production, the Director, Assistant Director, and the Executive Board may reserve the right to combine any two similar crews under the direction of the one crew chairperson.

Article 7 – Elections

A. All members of the Executive board shall be elected at the last general meeting of the year preceding that year in which the new President shall take office. Nominations will be presented from the floor. By a majority of the votes cast, the person with the highest number of votes by secret ballot of the voting membership present shall be declared the winner.

B. If officers fail to do their duty, he/she can be impeached. If, in the judgment of a petition signed by 10% of the voting membership of the society or by a three fourth vote for the Executive Board, an officer is deemed unfit or incapable of holding office, he/she shall be brought before the membership with a quorum of at least three-fourth and impeached. He/She shall be convicted only by a vote of three-fourths of the entire membership.

C. In the case of a President being impeached and convicted, the Vice President shall assume his/her office and elections shall be held for Vice President. If any other officer is convicted, elections shall then be held for a replacement to that office. These elections shall be held in the prescribed above manner.

Article 8 – Amendments

Amendments to this constitution shall be presented to the Executive Board in the form of petitions signed by 10% of the voting membership. This amendment will be presented to the membership at a business meeting at which the amendment will be added to this constitution if it is approved by a majority vote of at least two-thirds of the total voting membership.

Article 9 – Awards

A. Newcomer Award

This award is given to the best newcomer to the club. It doesn’t necessarily go to a freshman. More than one person can receive this award. The winner is determined by the advisor of the club.

B. Outstanding Achievement Award

This award is given to the graduating senior who has contributed the most to the drama club in his/her years of service. Preference is given to a student who has worked consistently for four consecutive years. There can be more than one winner. Winners are chosen by the advisor of the club.

C. Crew of the Year

The advisor of the club nominates candidates for the Crew of the Year Award. Winners are determined by a vote by the general voting membership directly after the final major production of the year.

D. Best Actor/Actress/Supporting Actor/Actress

The candidates for these awards are nominated by the directors after each production. Multiple candidates can be chosen in each category per production. Winners are determined by a vote by the general voting membership directly after the final major production of the year.

E. Ashton Porter “Mess of the Year” Award

This comical award is determined by a team of seniors (led by the OKP Secretary). This team shall select ten recipients for the award who they have deemed the biggest “messes” of the academic year. There shall be an “overall” mess of the year who receives the number one spot.

Radium Girls Cast List

Grace Fryer: Molly Deptula
Kathryn Schaub:  Ashlyn Kindall
Irene Rudolph: Fiona Armstrong
Mrs. Roeder/Sob Sister: Mo Veach
Mrs. Fryer/Widow: Emma Van Tasel
Harriet/Mrs. McNeil: Emma Ferraro
Kathryn Wiley/Photographer: Sam Beaulieu
Clerk/Customer:  Nora Borst
Amelia Maggia: Amelia Crocker
Arthur Roeder: Will Naraghi
Charlie Lee/Frederick Flinn: Jason Gentile
Dan Lehman/Venecine Salesman: Ben Montanari
Edward Markley/Dr. Knef:  Rylan Fischer
Von Sochocky/Store Owner:  Will Stocker   
Raymond Berry/Lovesick Cowboy: Jake Kindall
Tom Kreider/Reporter: Jack Sprague
Dr. Harrison Martland/Court: Mason Mongeau

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