What is the eBoard?
The Executive Board (eBoard) is a group of individuals who are elected into certain positions for one year to ensure that OKP runs successfully. There are student leaders who are dedicated to their position. All eBoard members are elected at the last OKP general meeting of the year and have to be nominated by their peers for the role. Advisors also ensure OKP is able to perform upwards of 4 shows a year by providing expertise and experience.

William Prenetta
OKP Co-Advisor
I serve as advisor for both OKP and Troupe 5226 of the International Thespian Society. In this role, I supervise all meetings, direct shows, and offer insight and assistance for any needs during the production process.

Skylar Galioto
OKP Co-Advisor

Robert Williams
Tech Director / Advisor

Maura Armstrong
OKP President
As president my job is to help OKP be the best it can be. I work closely with the Vice President along with the advisors in order to make sure things are running smoothly. Along with this I am in charge of the business crews of OKP (tickets, programs, house, and publicity). I also help lead the E-Board and as a group we create a monthly general meeting agenda to give to the club.

Sawyer Brown
OKP Vice President
- [email protected]
- 860.281.8830

Nora Borst
- [email protected]
- 860.281.1778
As secretary, I take minutes in E-Board/General/Thespian meetings and keep track of attendance at such meetings. I maintain the bulletin board in the back hallway, and and the white-board in room 347. I also compile photos of OKP events throughout the year for the slideshow presented at banquet.

Thomas Gerlach
Points Secretary

Jacob Thomann
Points Secretary

Grace Currier & Lola Vallez
Social Media Secretaries
As social media chairs, we manage all Opening Knight Players’ social medias! We spread the word about upcoming shows, and ways to get involved! We also posting weekly updates on Instagram, so make sure to check those out. This season we’ve taken on a new responsibility to reach out to sponsors for our programs as well!

May Cavanagh
Sophomore Representative
- [email protected]
- 860.328.7324